Adept Manifestation

(Aer, Ignis, Aqua, Terra et Spiritus tenetur Voluntatem)


Adept [ad-ept, uh-dept]

adj.  very skilled; highly proficient
n.  a skilled or proficient person; an expert


Manifestation [man-uh-fuh-stey-shuh]

n.  outward or perceptible indication; materialization



This piece represents a pinnacle of human achievement (both temporal & spiritual), as well as an aspiration toward untapped potential.

It is the initial piece in a voluptuous new series which strives to introduce overt imagery of the fantastic and supernatural into the world of sculptural fine art, and represents a refinement and manifestation of ideas and concepts that I have spent my entire life exploring.

I wish to dedicate this piece to the phenomenal graphic artist and illustrator P. Craig Russell, to whom I owe a deep debt of gratitude for inspiring me in my childhood, and giving me the symbolic visual language to portray magic and magical energies in three dimensions. You can find archival quality volumes of his gorgeous artwork at Wayne Alan Harold Productions.

Adept Manifestation, 2019 †

Bronze with Gold & Silver Leaf Accents

45 in (h) x 55 in (w) x 15 in (d)

Limited Edition of 13 w. Artist’s Proofs



† Omega Base created in conjunction with, and fabricated by, Clark Martinek metal sculptor & blacksmith.


Photo Credit: Cheetah Design Studio